Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The 3 Week Diet

The Top 12 Metabolism Boosting Superfoods That You Should Be Eating

Add These 12 Fat Burning Superfoods To Your Diet Today!

You can start losing weight now; just by adding some of these great metabolism boosting foods to your diet. Sure half the battle is what we eat; but the other half is exercise, motivation and self-discipline.

1) Kale

Is chocked full of nutrients that aid in suppressing the appetite and detoxifying the liver. Excellent source of Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin C and rich in fiber. One of the most nutrient rich foods make kale a true superfood. Organic is the best choice and raw Kale can upset the digestive system on certain sensitive individuals; so best to cook it from its raw form. Studies have shown it best not ‘overcook’ Kale when boiling otherwise many nutrients can be lost. Kale does contain some fat but the good news is that it is the super healthy kind of fat, comprised mostly of omega-3. Just one cup of this superfood contains a whopping 4 grams of carbs, 2 grams of fiber and 2 grams of protein.
You may be surprised that one cup of kale actually contains more vitamin C than a whole orange. Another property of kale is that it is thought to help fight against some forms of cancer and being high in vitamin K means that it helps to clot blood while helping the body fight against heart disease. The fact that kale is low on calories and chocked full of nutrients makes it our top superfood pick.

2) Lean Meat

Lean meat is meat that has a low content of fat. Due to less fat, lean meats have lower calories and are thought to be beneficial for those looking for low fat diets that are rich in protein. Lean meats can help the body to boost metabolism, due to the energy required for our bodies to breakdown and digest lean meat. Best examples of lean meat include turkey and chicken. The Protein in lean meat can not only help you feel fuller for longer; they can also provide lots of energy that your body requires.
Skinless chicken is a great example of a lean meat that is also a great source of vitamins and nutrients such as: Vitamins B3, B6, selenium and choline. This combination can benefit the body and cells to eliminate certain free radicals that are known to damage healthy functioning cells, help boost the immune system and even regulate blood glucose.

3) Avocado

Aid in healthy cell development and with regular consumption also protects cells from future damage. Avocado can help to boost metabolism by enabling those hormones in the body that can shut down fat storage and boost the metabolic rate. Surprisingly, avocado contains more potassium than bananas and this is especially important due to potassium being a nutrient that many people are known to be deficient in. Potassium can actually benefit the heart and is known to help lower blood pressure naturally.
Related: Want to Lose Belly Fat Fast? Click Here For The 12 Step Guide
Chocked full of monounsaturated healthy fats that help burn fat by activating the metabolism. Also a great source of antioxidants that facilitate blood flow and lower inflammation. The avocado typically contains 160 calories, 2 grams of protein, 15 grams of healthy fat, 2 grams of carbs and 7 grams of fiber. Avocado contains a huge amount of fat, in fact it’s one of the fattiest plants in existence; but this comes with healthy twist as this fat is comprised mainly of oleic acid variety. This is a monounsaturated form of fat which is known for its ability to help reduce inflammation not unlike olive oil.

The avocado is a great and truly powerful superfood. Chocked full of healthy monounsaturated fats

4) Chili Pepper

Capsaicin the active ingredient in chili peppers and other hot peppers has been scientifically proven to boost the metabolism. They work through a process known as thermogenesis and take place within the cells of our bodies. This translates to sweating and a higher body temperature; thus increasing the body’s energy usage and thereby increasing the metabolism.
Chili peppers are a great way to spice up your meal while also adding great flavour that can really benefit your health in many ways. First of all chili peppers are a great source of iron and because of this they actually can boost mental performance and help guard against age related cognitive decline. They are a great source of potassium also which we know from avocado can help keep cardiovascular disease under control and due to the bright red coloring we know that it has a high content of vitamin A.

Red chilli peppers are a favorable choice for anyone that is interested in losing weight.

5) Brazil Nuts

A great example of a food that is very easy to add to meals or just to snack with. Brazil nuts are loaded with a great mineral called selenium that is known in the scientific community to naturally boost and improve fat metabolism.

Brazil nuts are super healthy and a great snack option for those looking to lose weight

In fact Brazil nuts are one of the best natural sources of selenium. If you are looking for a great example of an anti-inflammatory food that you can easily add to your diet, Brazil nuts are it. The high content of antioxidants make the Brazil nut extremely powerful in the fight against the buildup of free radicals in the body. They also contain a powerful ellagic acid which is known to have anti cancer health benefits. If that’s not enough reason to add Brazil nuts to your diet then how about the ability to also lift your mood? That’s right, Brazil nuts are known to be a mood enhancer and this is primarily due to the selenium content. This is why Brazil nuts are listed as such a powerful superfood that you should add to your diet.

6) Chia Seeds

One true superfood. Chia seeds are packed full of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. They are known to suppress the appetite and activate a fat burning hormone known as glucagon. The best way to consume these seeds is by first soaking them in water or a sauce because they can swell up to ten times their size and help you to feel fuller faster. Chia seeds also are known to provide tons of energy.

Chia seeds are a great addition to a healthy fat burning diet

7) Salmon

Not only is it a great source of protein the fatty acids in salmon can jump start insulin sensitivity that in turn burn fat in the abdominal region. Fresh wild salmon is best.

Wild salmon is a great source of protein and chocked full of Omega fatty acids.

8) Whole Grains

Are an excellent source of healthy fiber and can help you feel fuller for longer due to their slow absorption rate within the body. Quinoa is a great example of grain which is a great source of complete protein. The proteins can actively help burn fat by revving up the metabolism.

Whole grains offer a very nutritious alternative to typically unhealthy white breads

9) Lentils

Have so many great benefits to our diets and best of all; our health. They are loaded with vitamin B3 and iron and can promote an ideal condition for boosting the metabolism. In Just one cup you have 35 percent of your daily need for iron and lots of both protein and dietary fiber. More health benefits of lentils here.

Green lentils can easily be added to many traditional recipes for a super healthy kick.

10) Oysters

Are a superfood with respect to the great source of Zinc and its ability to help suppress the appetite. They are a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids and due to its ratio to Omega 6 it can naturally lower cholesterol and promote heart health.
Oysters have great super-food qualities. (they are also well-known as an aphrodisiac, if you needed another excuse)

11) Coconut Oils

Are not only great for cooking with, they are also loaded with medium chained triglycerides that are much more easily used by the body as energy rather than being stored as fat like other cooking oils. Studies have shown that when compared to olive oil more fat loss is possible with coconut oil. See this link for the  study here

Coconut oil is a great substitute for butter or other less healthycooking oils

12) Cinnamon

Is a huge factor in a number of ways to boost metabolism. Cinnamon can alter the metabolic rate of sugars and carbs. This can in turn help your body to not store carbohydrates as stored fat. Miraculously cinnamon actually is known to target admittedly the worst type of fat; abdominal fat. So not only can it boost your metabolism it can also help you to lose belly fat. Aim for a quarter teaspoon a day to fully reap the rewards of cinnamon boosting the metabolism.

Cinnamon is another great example of a super-food. So tasty and healthy at the same time.

Looking for great recipe ideas? Have a look at this cookbook which is centered on weight loss and metabolism. Take a look here

What Is The Best Non-Flour Pasta? What Is The Differences?

The Best Non-Flour Pasta – There Are Options

What are the best non-flour pastas? Non-flour pastas are having a second in the limelight: You can now consume pasta made from brown rice, quinoa, lentils, chickpeas and much more. But are they really just as good as the real thing?

Bean-based pastas have the most fiber

Dried pastas made from chickpeas, lentils or black beans have more protein and more fiber than regular pasta. That is because this kind of pasta is made from legumes. It can be made in various ways; sometimes the bean is ground into a flour and combined with thickening agents such as tapioca or xanthan gum, and on occasion the bean powder is merely blended with water.

One popular kind of bean pasta, Banza, utilizes chickpeas in place of wheat. It’s also gluten free–but it’s not always much lighter. A two-ounce serving of Banza is approximately 190 calories, whilst penne packs about 200.

Vegetable noodles are the best

Fresh vegetables used at the place of noodles are obviously the safest option. 1 favorite way to make vegetables like sweet potato, cucumber or zucchini look like noodles would be to spiralize them, or use a machine to slit them into long, wavy strands.

You may then cook these so-called “zoodles,” if you wish, by massaging or sautéeing them. Other stringy veggies like spaghetti squash obviously have a similar pasta-like look.

“From a nutritional standpoint, it is excellent,” says Keith Ayoob, associate professor of pediatrics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Health System. “It is just a lot more work, and you will require equipment.” Another downside is that new vegetable pastas can not be saved like regular pasta, and it goes bad more quickly. The greatest con of all: veggies taste nothing like actual noodles.
MORE: 5 grains you should add to your diet now

Veggie pastas are not necessarily worthwhile

Don’t be tricked by pastas that state they feature vegetables in their components, such as green spinach pasta or red tomato pasta. Spinach pasta is just regular pasta made with a little bit of spinach, frequently in powder or puree form. “It’s excellent eye appeal.”
Though many companies claim their veggie pastas have a full serving of veggies, Ayoob says it is no substitute for a true vegetable dish, since spinach pasta might not have all of the nutrients you would otherwise expect out of lettuce.

Quinoa pasta is a good gluten-free option

Veggie or even legume-based pastas tend to be gluten free, but quinoa is an especially popular choice as it doesn’t become mushy when it is cooked. It has a tendency to be high in protein compared to other fermented varieties, and it contains high levels of fiber, fiber, and iron. Another plus: it cooks fast.

Even regular pasta can be healthy

The healthfulness of any form of pasta, regular or other, depends mostly on which you serve with it. “Pasta is a great vehicle for other food,” says Ayoob. Normally, that means ground steak or heavy, creamy sauces. “Alfredo is among the highest calorie pastas you can eat,” says Ayoob. “It’s exactly what I call ‘once a year’ pasta.”
Rather, top yours using tomato-based sauces, vegetables or yesterday’s leftovers. You might even consume whole-wheat pasta, that is full of vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. Try serving it as a side dish, instead of a primary, to decrease portion sizes. “Pasta, such as refined-flour pasta, isn’t a brand new food–it has been around long before the obesity crisis,” Ayoob says. “Pasta isn’t a matter of yes or not, it’s a matter of just how much and how frequently.”

Preparing fat burning dinners can’t ever be this fast. Get 250 meal plans that amazingly help you lose weight! Learn more

The Red Tea Detox Review

A common mistake made by many dieters is not taking into account what they drink. The truth is the fluids you consume can have just as big an impact on your waistline – and your health – as the foods you eat. Of course, that means for dieters who are serious about losing weight – no more soda and no more alcohol … But what about green tea and black tea?

Are these teas good for you – or could they actually cause you to gain unwanted weight?

The answer may surprise you. You see, most people think green tea, in particular, can help you lose weight not gain it … But that may not necessarily be the case.

Several studies have shown that green tea does not affect weight loss.

For example, a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2009 found that green tea extract did not affect the resting metabolic rate of 12 normal weight men.

Meanwhile, a Cochrane Review of green tea research found that green tea led to only small, statistically insignificant weight loss in overweight or obese adults. The review also noted that regular consumption of green tea didn’t help people keep weight off.

In addition to these alarming findings, there could be another problem – if you are putting sugar into your green tea that could be a source of extra calories that you are not accounting for.

According to experts, some people who are frequent tea drinkers may consume up to 300 calories or more a day from sugar.

So what about Black tea?

Black tea is actually “burnt green tea,” and it is full of caffeine just like regular green tea. Ingesting too much caffeine can cause heart palpitations, nausea, vomiting and “jittery” feelings.

Even if you drink decaffeinated green or black tea, the decaffeination process destroys much of the natural ingredients. It makes more sense to drink a tea that naturally contains no caffeine (like the tea I’m going to reveal in just a moment).

Another common problem with black tea is that it is often taken with milk, which slows down the absorption rate of valuable antioxidants and polyphenols. Surprisingly, skim milk slows this process down at a greater extent than whole milk.

So if green tea and black tea are not ideal for weight loss what should the responsible dieter drink?

The answer was found in the jungles of Africa where Kenyan tribesmen drink red tea to eliminate hunger pangs while they hunt for their next meal.

Red tea not only gets rid of hunger pangs, but it also promotes fat burning and boosts energy without relying on caffeine. That’s right, red tea is caffeine free.

Red tea is basically the perfect health drink. It’s refreshing and tasty, hot or iced. It helps clear toxins … it reduces fat-storing hormones … and it promotes the production of fat-burning hormones … all while naturally reducing stress and balancing insulin.

Click here to learn more.

I’m a naturopath, and I’ve spent years studying the benefits and side effects of each of the 5 unique ingredients that go into red tea. It’s these ingredients, which can be found at the local supermarket, working together that makes red tea the ultimate metabolism-boosting, fat-busting, energy-revitalizing drink … and these ingredients are not found in green or black tea.

Red tea is caffeine free, vegan and vegetarian safe, dairy free, gluten free and sugar-free.

It’s a great alternative to caffeine — with absolutely no jitters, so “flushing fat away” is safe and rapid. Red tea also contains no fats or carbohydrates. The flavor is mild and slightly sweet.

One more thing about red tea, it has no oxalic acid, so there is no risk of kidney stones, unlike with black and green teas. It also has very low tannin levels so it’s much better for you than green and black teas that have high tannin levels and can bind iron.

One great thing about red tea is that it is packed full of powerful antioxidants that fight oxidative damage caused by toxins in your body and that are scientifically proven to have an antibacterial, antiparasitic and antiviral action to boost your immunity.

The bottom line is drinking delicious red tea not only “halts hunger” but can also reverse the harm caused by the built-up toxins in your fat cells with its powerful antioxidants.

That’s why I believe that red tea could be the breakthrough many people who have been struggling to lose fat have been waiting for.

It’s a delicious red tea that requires no doctor’s visits, no lectures about losing weight, no expensive pills, no starving yourself and no intense workouts…

And best of all — it helps eliminate harmful fat by working with your body’s natural fat-burning metabolism and doing it all — without you feeling any cravings or hunger pangs!

Imagine … Enjoying the foods, you love: steak, a beer, or even a dessert completely guilt-free.

Imagine … Living a life free of expensive prescriptions and endless doctor’s visits to renew the pills.

And imagine… Feeling good, and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…
… All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing red teas ever discovered. Click here to learn more.

That’s what is possible with the new Red Tea Detox Program utilizing red tea along with several myth-busting diet rules this program can help you lose up to 14 pounds in just 14 days.

With the program, you get everything you need to lose weight including the red tea recipe and all the sources for the 5 unique ingredients (which can be found at any grocery store for pennies).

You also get:

  • A complete 14-day meal plan that includes recipes for satisfying, delicious snacks to halt any cravings instantly. The meal plan covers four phases: The Red Tea Detox Diet Phase 1: Days 1 – 5; The Red Tea Detox Phase 2: Day 6; The Red Tea Detox Phase 3: Days 7 and 8; Phase 4: Calorie Restriction Based on BMR

  • The Red Tea Detox Exercise Plan, which has the potential to almost double your fat-burning results.

  • The Red Tea Detox Willpower Motivation and Mindset Plan, which dispels the common myths about willpower and makes sure you, stay motivated to lose a maximum amount of weight.

The Red Tea Detox works equally well for both women and men. It also doesn’t matter if you have a lot of weight to lose or just a few pounds, it can quickly help you achieve your weight loss goal. This program is ideal for anyone who is concerned about their health (especially if you are over the age of 35) … Anyone who wants to lose stubborn fat around their belly, butt, and thighs … Anyone who wants to lose weight without feeling hungry or unsatisfied.

It doesn’t matter how stubborn that belly fat has been The Red Tea Detox can help you lose unwanted weight. You’ll rebalance your fat loss hormones and unblock crucial metabolic fat-burning steps so you can control your fat-burning and fat-storing hormones and do it as easy as 1-2-3.

To learn much more about this powerful program and how it can help you lose even the most stubborn fat, click here now. No other detox program contains these 5 unique ingredients scientifically proven to unlock stubborn fat cells, release hard-to-lose fat deposits, and flush fat away.

Your body uses multiple steps to release fat naturally. Even if just one step is blocked, your fat loss will grind to a halt. This gets crucial the older you get because you are more likely to have one or more of these steps blocked.

The Red Tea Detox System unblocks all these steps – that’s why it is 100% guaranteed to help you burn fat and lose all the weight you want.

Click here to learn more.

Fat Burning Foods

The Fat Decimator System Review

What is Fat Decimator System?

The Fat Decimator is an exciting book for people who want to eliminate extra fat in their body. This fat loss guide was created by Kyle Cooper who is a Marine Gunnery Sergeant in the American army. There is no need to worry about investing much so that you can cut out some fat.

In this article, you will see how Fat Decimator System has helped people to shed up to 40 pounds of fat. No matter who you are, it’s a fact of life that our bodies don’t respond the same way as we age. It’s difficult to lose weight if you don’t have a diet and exercise program tailored to your age and body type. Finding fitness programs that promise weight loss is easy. It’s rare to find ones that can back their promises up with real, scientific research. This article will give you an in-depth review of the Fat Decimator System.

Who is Kyle Copper?

This fat loss guide was created by Kyle Cooper who is a Marine Gunnery Sergeant in the American army. He became successful in finding this secret during a mission in Afghanistan. The author tested this program on a 43-old American accountant, Sharon, who was almost on the deathbed due to her excess weight. However, this program helped her to lose more than 40 pounds & changed the landscape of his life. There was no use of expensive pills, lengthy workouts or any type of surgery. Instead of that, they work on the natural approach that not only helped Sharon to lose that excess fat but also regain the youthful look of college days. This is an exciting program that has helped thousands of people to achieve their desired shape till now. Furthermore, the fat loss technique included in this list has been authenticated by a plethora of organizations that include the University of Florida, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Princeton University and Skidmore College.

Is Fat Decimator System a Scam?

Most Internet fitness chaps and creators of fitness programs are only there to make money. However, his investigation showed this wasn’t the case at all. Kyle’s whole outlook on fitness changed when he lost some men in an accident on the job. What made matters worse is they could have survived if they had been in better shape. Kyle was mortified; after all, it was his responsibility to get the National Guardsmen in shape for duty.

After the accident, Kyle crossed paths with a young medical student named Sam Pak. Sam introduced Kyle to firm scientific data that spoke to the best way to get older bodies in shape. Kyle was so impressed with the data he decided to try it on his recruits. The results were so impressive; Kyle started his boot camps and began organizing the system.
If you’re not familiar with Kyle you can check out his feature in the LA times or his TED Talk. Kyle has many testimonials from not only the program but also his in-person boot camps that he runs in Missouri. So, Kyle made a dedication to fitness many years ago. His commitment culminated in the creation of the weight loss diet.

Unlike most fitness programs, Kyle Cooper’s System addresses both the mental and physical sides of health. Kyle takes advantage of the fact that it takes the human brain around 21 days to form a new habit. The initial 3 weeks of the program is the most critical part. After 21 days of following the principles in the program, you’ll find it much easier to achieve your fitness goals. In the Decimator diet, you’ll learn about why the human body decides to store fat and what you can do about it. You also learn how to activate your metabolism and counteract the effects of aging on your body. Peer-reviewed studies back all the recommendations in the program. After research, I felt confident in the therapeutic validity of the program.

​During research, I found the four fat rules to be the most impressive part of the program. The four rules are:

  • The four fat rules will revolutionize how you think of weight loss. The Fat Decimator System includes tips and tricks to help you safely follow the four fat rules. Following a fitness program based on these four rules gives your body no choice but to react positively. Rules 2 and 3 are incredibly crucial to your ability to lose weight. Mobilized fat cells are quick to leave your body. Fat cells are made up of multiple layers of different kinds of fat. If you can shed the triglycerides layer, weight loss becomes significantly easier. The majority of other mainstream exercise programs pay zero attention to mobilizing fat. This is a huge difference between the Kyle Cooper’s diet and mainstream programs.

The fat decimator system also includes the acceleration section which is designed to guide you through achieving your fitness goals. You can take advantage of priority email support and daily personalized email advice. In this section, you can also choose what you eat with customized nutrition plans. The Fat Decimator also gives you access to the private Facebook support group. To top it all off, you get weekly coaching sessions by phone. With all the coaching and tools included in the Fat Decimator System, there’s no way you can fail.

For those of you concerned about the food component of the program, you have nothing to worry about. The Fat Decimator System includes tons of delicious and easy to make recipes. You also get access to a smoothie cookbook, which empowers you to create quick, easy and healthy snacks.

Book Sections


This portion outlines the importance of detoxifying the body before weight loss efforts, why toxins can hold your metabolism back, and the overall benefits of a cleansed system for both the body and mind. What’s more, it outlines in detail which energy-rich foods previously considered ‘bad for you’ can help you burn fat faster than ever before.


The exercise section is designed to complement the diet portion of The Fat Decimator System. It consists of a variety of supercharged exercises that will help melt body fat even faster. Coupled with the metabolism-boosting diet, these quick and effective routines have the potential to almost double the weight loss results.

Willpower, Motivation, and Mindset

This third section delves into some of the most common myths about willpower and how truly understanding the underlying realities of motivation can revolutionize your weight loss and your life. It’s a vital part of this program and, for many, has helped them lose weight fast and keep it off for good.


  • ​Easy to read and understand
  • The Fat Decimator System includes a well-rounded support system
  • The Fat Decimator System educates you about your body
  • The program doesn’t force blind recommendations on you
  • You can meet people in similar life situations in the Private Facebook Group


  • There’s lots of content to read and watch
  • You need to consistently apply the advice to see lasting results
  • You need to commit to changing how you eat
The book costs $37 which is cheaper when compared to a gym membership and expensive supplements to lose the weight. You will get every dollar back if the program doesn’t benefit your body at all. That’s not all, you will also get 4 bonus guides for free with this fat loss guide.

Results Of The Program

​The Fat Decimator System uses proven psychological and physiological techniques to stimulate weight loss. You’ll learn how to master new healthy habits in 21 days. The program doesn’t waste any time with trivial gimmicks. If you’re overweight, you’re obviously going to have to put in more time to see the results. The key here is not to give up. Also, the Fat Decimator System comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. That’s almost enough time for you to try the 3-week system three different times. Consistency and discipline will be what helps you see real results.
If you’re new to physical exercise, don’t be afraid to take breaks. During the 21-days, modify the advice so that it suits your lifestyle. Don’t be scared to truly own the program and make it yours. There’s nothing wrong with trying the 21-day system, taking a break and then trying it again. As long as you find a way to execute the advice in the program, you’ll see significant results.

Risks Related with The Program

Unlike a lot of fitness programs, the Fat Decimator doesn’t rely on questionable methods. The Fat Decimator System stands out for taking a balanced approached to losing weight. You can use this program to learn about your body and how to truly lead a healthy lifestyle. The further I dove into my investigation, the more confident I became in the source material of the Fat Decimator system.
Kyle Cooper cares about the people who use his information. So program guides you on safely cutting calories without sacrificing your energy levels. You also learn about mobilizing fat in your body. Mobilized fat is the key to the Fat Decimator and prevents you from getting discouraged. The Fat Decimator Systems covers all aspects of weight loss, which makes it a safe program to use.

Fat Decimator System Bonuses

The Fat Decimator System bonuses are designed to make your weight loss journey a bit easier so take advantage of this opportunity to get 3 PDF Book and 3 Minute Belly Shrinker video series for free with The Fat Decimator System


The Fat Decimator is one of the best programs that will give you the best results. The technique and diet mentioned in this guide can simply eliminate the toxins from your body and boost its metabolism to offer the desired shape. The one on one training and 60-day money back guarantee is enough to prove the authenticity of the program and credit the funds back if it doesn’t show you the desired results.

So, if you are up for some extraordinary results, then buy the Fat Decimator System now and give a new shape to your body. Kyle is a caring author who is dedicated to helping people who choose to support his work. The Fat Decimator System is perfect for people approaching middle age. If you’re looking for a simple and effective health regiment, this program is for you. All in all, this diet is an excellent investment.

Customer Reviews

I also research on customer feedback about The Fat Decimator System. Fat Decimator System results are really well and Kyle is very responsive. If you check Trustpilot, Sitejabber and other consumer reviews websites. You will see that I am not telling a lie. I just added some (positive and Negative) reviews from of those websites. You can check out below. Those save your time to take decision.

==>The Fat Decimator System

3 Reasons Why Crash Dieting Is Maybe Not Working

Are You Crash Dieting And Not Getting Anywhere?

Crash diets are a common phenomenon in a culture that values instantaneous gratification and immediate outcomes. The challenging part of weight loss is that it’s a gradual process that takes time. Intense exercise routines and changed eating habits to optimize the potential of rapid weight reduction by using a careful combination of nutritional supplements although you are able to speed up dieting. Crash dieting is an occasion that is different completely.
Crash dieting often indicates that you have or already are on the brink of developing an eating disorder. Disordered eating is common in America, if only because of the reality that we are constantly fed idealized pictures of the human body that has more to do with expectations of beauty, than with fitness and wellness. While it’s clear to want to be more in shape, obsessions with weight loss may be quite psychological. Here are a number of hints that you just may be crash dieting.

Obsessive calorie counting can be a setback

While can be a helpful procedure which allows you to get the decision making process behind eating customs, there’s a fine line between neurotic and useful. For instance, determining to avoid having a bagel in the morning due to its high carb and calorie content and replacing it using yogurt and a banana is a practical activity.
Though, if you choose to forego food completely and then jog to work, this is where calorie counting is practical and reaches a stage of neuroses. The truth is, ironically, by attempting exercise as much as possible and to not eat, your weight loss advance can be impacted adversely. By not eating, your metabolism slows down.
There’s a reason it’s said that breakfast is the most crucial meal of the day. Because it’s that’s. You’re definitely going to be low on energy for the rest of the day, in the event you skip breakfast afterward.

Diet fads might do more harm than good

Any diet that is successful will use various approaches that will help you lose any “wonder” diet and weight where you only eat oatmeal for a month is most likely a scam. Because you’re doing something extreme for an effect in as little time as possible, these sorts of diets are essentially crash diets. Not only does this support badly disordered eating and negatively impact your health in all possible manners in the short term, but nonetheless, it also can have long term harmful effects including heart issues.
The single means to lose weight in a reliable and safe fashion is through diligent exercise and hard work. It’s good to use other products that encourage weight loss and supplements, but they should always be utilized as aids in your quest not replacements for hard work. Any diet fad that says you must eat only one thing for a month, or promises that a pill can magically burn fat as you sleep, will only harm you in the future.

Deprivation of the foods you love may not be ideal

You should never have to give up the foods you love and there is correlation between giving up these foods and depression associated with this that can be detrimental to your weight loss goals. Instead of giving up cold turkey, consider making compromises and only enjoying your favorite foods in smaller portions and less often, as a treat rather than all the time.
That doesn’t mean that there aren’t any plans that can help you; the fact is you have to be motivated and help yourself or else you are never going to get anywhere. The 2 week diet is an example of a plan that can really give you great results, but you need to put the work into it. I lost 24 pounds following this plan but had to put the effort into it as well. The faster you want to lose weight, the more work it will take. I highly recommend the 2 week diet plan click here to find out more about this plan.

Erase your stretch marks

Some Ideas To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks And Heal Skin

Cure Stretch Marks – Tips For Healing The Skin Damage

Stretch marks become more visible when your skin undergoes some quick changes in the particular areas like the weight gain, weight loss, or in pregnancy.The changes affect the middle layer of the skin which is known as dermis. Stretch marks are to be taken care in time will prevent it grow into a big problem. Nowadays there are number of treatments obtainable for stretch marks which can cure stretch marks on your skin that has remained for a long period of time.
The signs and symptoms of these stretches which you will notice as marks of red and purple lines on your skin and the marked area of the skin will feel extremely soft or empty. No one knows that which part of the body will these stretch marks will show up but usually they are visible in the regions like stomach, arms and breast.
Various treatments and precautions are available these days to prevent the stretch marks from appearing or elevating. Especially during pregnancy these ugly stretch marks reappear in a alarming rate so you should be extremely careful about your weight. For this you should take a balanced diet so that your skin remains healthy and elastic. Not only in the starting of pregnancy you can have 8-10 glasses of water but all round the 9 months.but the whole 9 months course. In this regard the healthy diet remains matchless. You should obtain vitamins and supplements which will make sure that your body is getting appropriate nutrition that it basically needs.
In the primary stages the stretch marks can be easily handled, when the color of the mark is red or purple but the problem starts when it turns to silver or white in color. The proper massaging will help in the affected area of your body four times a day with some moisturizers that contain cocoa butter. This curing application is perfect in the initial stages and will make your skin hydrate to make it more mad more pliant. One of the vegetable oil like the wheat germ oil is also effective in preventing the marks at early stages.

In order to cure stretch marks vitamins like A or E will do a great job. The skin will upgrade itself which will make the easily healed by it self. You should stay out of sunlight because sunlight can elevate and make the stretches permanent. Getting rid of stretch marks is not an easy job or an overnight process. You should give sufficient care and keep your body moisturized just to stay away from these stretches.
Erase Your Stretch Marks

The Top 10 Worst foods

The Top 10 Worst Foods – Steer Clear Of These Foods

Worst Foods–The Top 10

It’s becoming less and less of a secret how dangerous processed foods can be for your overall health and well-being.  Some foods can even raise your risk for certain types of cancers, like genetically modified corn and processed meats. Others can raise your blood pressure and take a toll on heart health. So I decided to come up with a list of some more common and super unhealthy processed foods that you should avoid at all costs. One thing is clear, some of the most heavily processed foods may have clear negative health consequences and should be avoided at all costs.
Now we have to realize that many of these foods are labelled as if they are healthy. Some brands use clever marketing tricks to convince you that you are making the healthiest choice when in fact you may not be. Much of what you are going to want to look for is in the ingredients, as a rule of thumb if you can’t pronounce it, it is likely processed and could potentially be bad for your health. The following should give you a good general overview of what you should watch for and if you are looking for ideas about healthier foods you should eat feel free to have a look at my “top 10 best diet foods” post by clicking here. Unfortunately our instant gratification culture, makes us oftentimes make unhealthy decisions when things like “fast”, “easy, and “convenient” wins over “healthy”, “organic” and “raw”. Without going any further, here’s the top 10 worst foods:

1) Processed Meats With Preservatives

Processed meats are one of the worst processed foods because they are often loaded with sodium, nitrates and other preservatives. Hot dogs, salami and bacon are a few good example here; loaded with fats, fillers and lacking nutritional value. Scientists are making clear connections with processed meats and higher incidences of cancers like cancer of the bowl.
Researchers also point to red meats as having the potential of being detrimental to health when consumed in large amounts. The cooking of processed meats including red meats is also tied to higher levels of cancer causing chemicals being released from this cooking process. Just how bad is it?
according to a recent BBC Study stats, just two slices of bacon (50g) every day can increase cancer risk by a whopping 18% while it would take twice as much red meat (100g)

2) Sugary Cereal With Little Health Value

Sugar intake is at epidemic levels and childhood obesity has been on the rise since the 1980s. Cleverly marketed breakfast cereals have your children literally begging you for their morning fix. Also, be aware that many of these popular cereals contain genetically modified corn due to it being a cheaper option for manufactures.
Become informed and learn to check the ingredients, find a healthy brand low in sugar and make that choice. Surprisingly enough, breakfast cereals are one of the most often consumed,  worst processed foods out there.
Breakfast cereals are notorious for misleading claims and some of the more popular brands will advertise “whole grain” varieties that only really contain a very small amount of actual “whole grains”.

3) Margarine Or Fake Butter Spreads

You have to love the convenience factor but remember, resist that temptation. Most margarine is loaded with trans fats, and these are the WORST fats you could be putting into your body. Stick with the natural alternative without all those trans fats, your body will be happy you did.
Butter is not much better but for me it’s a better choice. Another option is Olive oil. Saturated fats like those naturally occurring in butter were in the past constantly shunned and the consensus was reached that they were bad for you.
While as it turns out they are not anywhere near as bad for you as the trans fats in margarine. Here is that study Trans fats can literally kill you so I would highly recommend the lesser of the two evils, butter.
Our bodies are better equipped to process the saturated fats in butter than the trans fats in margarine. As far as worst processed foods go, margarine definitely tops the list.

4) Granola Bars–Read The Ingredients

Granola bars, very much like many popular cereals can have the appearance of being healthy where in reality are loaded with hidden sugars and fats. I was very hard pressed finding a healthy granola bar in my local supermarket.
They are also typically loaded with high fructose corn syrup and because they appear healthy it’s easy to get carried away and have more than one. My advice is to stay away from these and other “health foods” that really are doing more damage than good and sabotaging your weight loss.
Instead try to find all natural snacks like nuts and fruit for guilt free snacking.

5) Fake Low-Fat Processed Foods

Sometimes they will be labeled as reduced fat or low in fat, but watch out, quite often super unhealthy ingredients are used in place like salt or sugar to make the product seem appealing. Always check the ingredients and the order that they appear.
Generally what the product contains the most of will appear first in the ingredient list. Be cautious when you see “reduced fat” or “low fat” labels. Chances are there’s something else, some other ingredient that’s filling that void. Don’t just assume your making the healthiest choice just by that label.
Be sure to do your research and double check for fat, sugar and salt content or else you could end up with one of the worst processed foods

6) Frozen Meals Loaded With Sodium

This can include TV dinners among other seemingly healthy alternatives that are typically high in sodium and fat. Watch out for these because they can sometimes appear to be a healthy choice when in fact they are nothing more than unhealthy processed empty calories.
Some of the more popular brand names in TV dinners have been guilty of breaking the recommended daily intake for sodium in just one meal! It’s no surprise either that they are just teeming with fats and preservatives.
Related: Top 10 Best Health Conscious Health Foods
You would be way better off preparing your own meals in advance and freezing them for that future convenience. That way, at least you will know what ingredients are in them and that they are healthy.

7) Soda Or Juices Loaded With Sugar

Should be common knowledge by now how unhealthy and loaded with sugar these popular drinks are. Just one can of pop can contain anywhere from 10-15 Teaspoons of sugar! No wonder obesity is an epidemic.
If it’s not sugar it’s high fructose corn syrup as the main ingredient hello entire recommended sugar intake for the day! Many juices are also in this same boat. Be sure to check the labels and make healthy decisions.
So next time you see soda in the supermarket, stay away. Instead choose a healthy alternative like sugar-free iced tea Energy drinks are another big no no if you’re trying to lose weight. You’d be better off with just a black cup of coffee for that pick-me-up rather than an energy drink.

8) Potato Chips and Processed Snacks

Sure they taste great but too bad they’re loaded with fats, sodium and of very insignificant nutritional value; potato chips can be tempting but remember avoid these like the plague if you’re concerned about weight gain and overall health.
Trans fats are usually among these super unhealthy fats in potato chips. You’re better off to find a healthier alternative like in nuts, pretzels or fruits. Butylhydroxytoluene or BHT is a common chemical used in the manufacturing process of some brands of potato chips.
Related: 10 Best Foods To Keep Your Heart Healthy
BHT is a known and recognized cancer causing chemical in high enough amounts. Although the amount of this chemical is not very much, I’d rather skip consuming any known cancer causing chemical.

9) White Breads Lacking Nutrition

White bread may seem innocent enough, but don’t fall for it. White bread made the list of worst processed foods in part because it has been so heavily processed that pretty much all nutritional value is lost so be sure to substitute this with a whole grain bread.
The consumption of the carbohydrates contained in these breads have been linked to rapid spikes in blood sugar and as quick as the blood sugar rises it falls leaving you hungry again. It’s not so much that white bread is necessarily bad for you, it’s just really not good for you either.
Typically breads also contain a large amount of gluten and other potentially harmful substances like sugars and high fructose corn syrup. So if you must eat breads look for a whole grain and stay away from white bread.

10) Ice Cream and Other Frozen Treats

Almost goes without saying how bad this food is for you. Oftentimes the serving size listed is so small that it can appear to not be so bad. How often do you measure your portions of ice cream? Me either, so it can be super easy to eat way more than that serving size.
Try some frozen yogurt instead for an alternative to ice cream. If you feel you must indulge in ice cream (I’m not judging you) try to make a healthier choice with a low fat, low sugar variety.

That’s our top 10 worst foods to eat. We are what we eat, literally and that’s why it’s so important to become aware of what you are consuming and especially pay attention to the labels. Check out Metabolic Cooking, if you are interested in super-easy fat burning recipes that are very delicious! Good luck!