Sunday, August 19, 2018


the key to

The shocking ways
that tight hips
are holding you back…
that you won’t believe
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And when I tell you what it is, you'll be shocked…

 because it's tight hip flexors.
               You see, our hip flexors are the engine through which our body moves. They control balance, our ability to sit, stand, twist, reach, bend, walk and step.
               Everything goes through the hips.
               And when our hip flexors tighten it causes a lot of problems in ordinarily healthy and active people, like us.
               Before I reveal how most people end up having tight hip flexors yet never realize it, let me introduce myself.

Introducing The Body's Most Powerful
 Primal Muscle… … That You've Never Heard Of Let Alone Trained!

              Your hips are the bridge between your upper body and lower body. They are at the center of your body's movement.
              Sitting within the well of your hip and lower spine is the psoas major muscle, one of the two muscles that makes up the iliopsoas.

              It’s often called the "mighty" psoas (pronounced so-az) for the many important functions it plays in the movement of your body.
              The psoas is the only muscle in the human body connecting the upper body to the lower body.
              The muscle attaches to the vertebrae of the lower spine, moves through the pelvis and connects to a tendon at the top of the femur. It also attaches to the diaphragm, so it’s connected to your breathing, and upon it sits all the major organs.
              A functioning psoas muscle creates a neutral pelvic alignment, stabilizes the hips, supports the lower spine and abdomen, supports the organs in the pelvic and abdominal cavity and gives you greater mobility and core strength.

      When it functions well, it has the power to…

… help you achieve peak performance day after day after day.
… rapidly drop ugly body fat that stubbornly clings to your body.
… train harder, heavier and gain strength faster than you thought possible.
… hit your peak of sexual health.
… flood your mind and body with renewed energy and vigor.

                Put simply, this muscle is the core of activity in your body. So, when it's out of balance or if the psoas tightens, there are serious consequences which flow throughout the body.
And there's one activity, in particular, that's the sworn enemy of your psoas muscle…

The No.1 activity that's making you weaker,
 fatter and is KILLING your sex life

                 It may be the most harmless activity known to man, but it's also one of the biggest dangers to your health.                       
                 Even if you're the most active of athletes, you may still suffer from a tight psoas due to the amount of time you spend each day planted to a chair.

                 Weakness, shortening and tightness develops in the muscle through sitting for extended periods of time, poor sleep posture and even stress and tension.

Here are 3 ways that sitting is killing your physical and emotional health:

Bulging belly syndrome:


                 Wonder why your stomach still sticks out even though you’re hammering the core exercises every day? It's a common myth that bulging belly is due to weak abdominal muscles. The real cause is likely to be tight psoas muscles, which cause the lower back to curve pushing out the stomach. When the psoas works properly it pulls the abdomen back tucking the tummy in, giving you a strong, flat stomach.

Fat loss inhibitor:

                     As the body's "fight or flight" muscle, your psoas is deeply connected to our natural survival instinct. It instantly tightens in moments of danger to either protect you (in a fetal position) or help you run, fueled by the release
of adrenaline. However, if your psoas is constantly tight, it signals to the body you are in constant danger, leading to overworking of the adrenal glands. When this happens, your immune system suffers and your body automatically switches into fat storing mode in anticipation of danger. Can’t shift that weight? Blame your hips also known as your "survival muscle".

Lack of sexual performance:

Sitting all day causes your hips to become stuck in a forward thrust position. This leads to pulling on the lower back and decreased blood flow and circulation through the hips and to where it matters.

Why "Static" Stretching Alone Isn't the Answer

PNF Stretching

PNF is an acronym for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. It is a technique where you are activating a specific muscle in order to relax the muscles around a joint so you can decrease the stiffness around a joint.

                                                                   Dynamic Stretching

This is where you are activating the muscle around a joint and moving that joint through its full range of motion in a progressive manner. This leads to an increased range of motion around the joint, warming up of the muscle around the joint and improved circulation around the joint. Think of high knees or butt kicks.

3-Dimensional Core Stability Exercises

With these exercises we are targeting the muscle in all planes of movement so the core and abdominal muscles have good activation, endurance and strength in all planes of movement which leads to a decrease in unnecessary damaging stress on joints.

                                                                   Mobility Exercises

In these exercises, we are targeting the joint and doing movements and exercises that help the joint function optimally. This allows a joint to move more freely.

 Fascia Stretching

In this unique technique, we are targeting the tissue that muscles are surrounded in and working on loosening and lengthening the fascia. Few people understand the negative effect this tissue can have on your body.

                                                          Muscle Activation Movements

Due to all of our sitting and daily technology use, many of our muscles are not working properly. With this technique, we're targeting those muscles that are off and activate them in order to help the body move more efficiently.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors Manual  
 You'll receive a highly targeted manual with greater depth about the psoas muscle and the effects of its shortening on your health and well-being. It also includes detailed descriptions of the exact exercise movements with pictures.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors DVDUnlock Your Hip Flexors DVD Video

We've shot these 10 exercises with explanations from Rick on perfect form and exactly how to target that hard-to-reach psoas muscle.          
      The first is a Coaching Instructional Video where Rick takes you in detail through each exercise, so you fully understand why you're doing that exercise, the best form to take and how it should feel. The second video is a Follow Along format designed so you can perform the flow alongside the video without breaking for explanation.

             BUY NOW: Click
Order today and you'll receive
 these two powerful bonusesplus
Bonus 1

Unlock Your Tight Hamstrings
"The Key To A Healthy Back And Perfect Posture" Unlock Your Tight Hamstrings Bonus
First and foremost, if the muscles of the hamstrings are tight, they are more susceptible to tearing. No matter if you're an elite athlete, stay-at-home-mom or average Joe, a muscle tear in the back of your legs can take months to heal and recover from making life very challenging.                                                                                

In today's world, most people make a living from a seated position along with sitting in their car and while at home. All of that sitting over time increases tightness in the hamstrings. Having tight hamstrings causes the hips and pelvis to rotate back which flattens the lower back causing lower back pain and poor posture.
In a more perfect world, everyone would get regular sports massage to help improve the muscle tissue quality of the hamstrings by increasing blood flow but unfortunately for most of us, that isn't always possible.
However, there is something all people can do by themselves which takes only minutes per day to help improve muscle condition and loosen up those tight hamstrings instantly. In a matter of minutes, you can begin to reverse the damage to the hamstrings and greatly impact how you feel.
This super effective routine will not only reduce the likelihood of injury but will also improve performance, correct posture and alleviate pain in the lower back.

Bonus 2

The 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet
"Automatically Heal Your Body with The Right Foods"The 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet Bonus
The Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is designed to bring you all the benefits of looser hip flexors with greater strength, power and flexibility.                                                   
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But its benefits are multiplied when combined with a holistic diet to naturally alleviate pains, aches, soreness and stiffness by tackling inflammation caused by injury or environmental toxins in our food and water.
Your diet is one of the major causes of inflammatory responses leading to health deteriorating.
You can instantly improve your body's response to inflammation by choosing the right foods that work with your body to stimulate your natural healing response.                                       
The 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet is a Done-For-You nutrition program featuring diet recommendations, meal plans, shopping lists and supplement tips to help your body automatically heal itself.
In as little as 24 hours, your body will switch on its natural healing process rather than causing pain and inflammation which can lead to many chronic diseases and health problems

Inside the Unlock Your Hip Flexors
 program, you'll discover:

                  Exactly how to target those hard-to-reach muscles with detailed, step-by-step walk-through videos of every single Key Move (Rick's simple, clear demonstration of these powerful moves will help them become second nature in no time).

                  The No.1 single most important element of human body posture and why your hips hold the key to peak performance (if this fails, your performance is drastically affected whether running, walking or even just standing).

                   The true impact of your body's “Mighty Muscle” and how it is really affecting your physical, emotional and spiritual well being (you'll be shocked how big an impact this has on your everyday life).

                   The most important element of human body posture
Faster fat loss

                   How your body's natural survival response has been tricked into permanent "danger" mode, and how you can switch it off to see faster fat loss and more energy (the reasoning behind this is crazy, but completely true).

                  The main causes for your psoas muscle to change structure, a major danger sign for your body (any change, however minimal, has an overwhelming impact that ripples across your body causing other muscle groups to compensate).

                  Why you're just as likely to be affected by this problem if you're a balls-to-the-wall gym rat training 24/7 or a couch potato.

           Why, if you have a desk job or drive a car for long periods, you need to act NOW.

            The shocking reason your intense core workouts could be doing more harm than good if you haven't loosened your hips first (and why crunches and sit-ups won’t do a thing to help).

            Why strong legs and glutes are important to your overall heath and why you need to prevent too much flexion of your hips.

            How trauma, injury and stress can build up within your posture and how it will ultimately affect your psychological state.

            Why the "cure" isn't simply to stop sitting (you need to be more pro-active in targeting the muscles affected to undo the damage from sitting all day).

 The most important element of human body posture
Maximum Athletic Performance

Why the damage is most likely ALREADY done and exactly what you need to do to redress those deep-seeded imbalances before the damage becomes permanent (if this doesn't kick you into action, nothing will…) 

            Why "comfort" and "support" are the enemies of our natural physiology and how we can start to move back towards our natural posture (forget pillows, support cushions and belts.)

             How tight hips affect your sexual performance through decreased blood flow and circulation and what you can do about it right now to achieve peak sexual health again.

             Why some guys end up with "old-guy butt syndrome" that isn't sexy but also inevitably leads to hip pain and how to avoid it by loosening the hips.

             The 2 situations you NEED to be aware of when training your glutes to ensure they're properly activated for maximum athletic performance.

                                                              BUY NOW

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